Pune: In a grievous occurrence, a three-year-old young lady lost her life when she, alongside her relatives, was hit by a speeding auto while she was remaining on the middle for intersection the street in Baner.
The harmed incorporated the mother of the expired young lady, who has been recognized as Isha Vishwakarma.
The occurrence happened at around 2.40 pm on Monday before Vasudha Society on Baner Road close Baner Phata.
The driver has been recognized as Sujata Jayprakash Shroff, an executive of a development organization headquartered in Pune.
Police say that Shroff has additionally gotten wounds for which she is being dealt with at a private doctor's facility.
Film from a close-by shut circuit TV (CCTV) camera has likewise been recovered by police.
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The harmed incorporated the mother of the expired young lady, who has been recognized as Isha Vishwakarma.
The occurrence happened at around 2.40 pm on Monday before Vasudha Society on Baner Road close Baner Phata.
The driver has been recognized as Sujata Jayprakash Shroff, an executive of a development organization headquartered in Pune.
Police say that Shroff has additionally gotten wounds for which she is being dealt with at a private doctor's facility.
Film from a close-by shut circuit TV (CCTV) camera has likewise been recovered by police.
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